% Recency
The recency rate is the percentage of visits from visitors whose two most recent visits were made less than a week apart. The recency rate is calculated as the number of visits from visitors whose two most recent visits were made less than a week apart divided by the number of visits from visitors who have made two or more visits.
% Return
The return visit rate is the percentage of visits from visitors who have visited the website before (returning visitors). The return visit rate is calculated as the number of visits from returning visitors divided by the total number of visits. If the return visit rate is calculated for individual web pages or a group of web pages, it indicates which content is viewed by returning visitors. Unlike visits per visitor, the return visit rate does not indicate which content is viewed repeatedly by the same visitors. Notice that if you have two or more websites under the same Netminers account, return visits can stem from visitors who are new to the website you are analyzing, but who have visited another of your sites. A visitor is identified by means of a cookie. This means that the return visit rate is distorted by visitors who do not accept and/or delete cookies.
Visits per visitor is the average number of visits made by the visitors to the website. Visits per visitor is calculated as the number of visits divided by the number of visitors. If visits per visitor is calculated for individual web pages or a group of web pages, it indicates which content on the website visitors return to. A visitor is identified by means of a cookie. This means that visits per visitor is distorted by visitors who do not accept and/or delete cookies.