% Back

The back navigation rate is the percentage of times a visitor navigates backward during a visit. Back navigations occur when the visitors go back to pages they have visited immediately before – for example by clicking on the back button of the browser. Back navigations can go on for more than one page view if the visitor has moved forward many times and then clicks multiple times on the back button of his or her browser. The back navigation rate is calculated as the number of pages visitors navigate back to divided by the total number of navigations. Notice that visits with only one page view do not include any navigation and are therefore not part of the calculation.

% Reload

The reload rate is the percentage of times a visitor reloads a page during a visit. Reloads occur when the visitors view the same page two times in a row – e.g. by clicking on the same link twice or using the F5 button of the keyboard. A reload requires that the page title as well as the URL remain the same for two consecutive page views. The reload rate is calculated as the number of reloads divided by the total number of navigations. Notice that visits with only one page view do not include any navigation and therefore are not part of the calculation. If the reload rate is calculated for individual web pages or a group ofweb pages, it indicates where on the website reloads occur.

% Turn

The turn page rate is the percentage of times a visitor turns on a page (i.e. changes navigational direction) while visiting the website. A turn page occurs when a visitor goes back and forth between two pages. Turn pages can occur many times after each other if the visitor continues to go back and forth between the same two pages. The turn page rate is calculated as the number of turn pages divided by the total number of navigations. Notice that visits with only one page view do not include any navigation and therefore are not part of the calculation. If the turn page rate is calculated for individual web pages or a group of web pages, it indicates where on the website turn pages occur.

% Repetition

The repetition rate is the percentage of times a page or an action is viewed or done repeatedly during a visit. The repetition rate is calculated as the number of times a page or an action occurs more than one time during a visit divided by the number of visits with more than one page view (i.e. excluding all bounced visits). If the repetition rate is calculated for individual web pages or a group of web pages, it indicates where on the website repetitions typically occur.

% Entry

The entry rate is the percentage of visits starting on a particular page or content area of a website. The entry rate is calculated as the number of entry page views divided by the total number of visits. The number is only interesting if it is calculated for a particular page or content areas since it otherwise will amount to 100%. Notice that if you have more than one websites, a visit could start on another of your websites. If the visitor then clicks on a link leading to the website you are analyzing, the visit will still count as starting here.

% Exit

The exit rate is the percentage of visits leaving the website from a particular page or content area. The exit rate is calculated as the number of exits divided by the total number of visits. The number is only interesting if it is calculated for a particular page or content areas since it otherwise equals 100%. Notice that if you have more than one websites, a visit could exit on another of your websites. In this case the last page view on the website you are analyzing will still be considered the exit page.