
Actions per page is the average number of actions performed on a page. Actions include page views, downloads, text written in input fields, selection of checkboxes, clicks on links to other websites, etc. Actions per page is calculated as the number of actions divided by the number of page views.

Action duration

The action duration is the average time it takes to perform an action expressed in standard format. Action duration is calculated as the total time spent by visitors divided by the number of actions which have a registered duration. Notice that the last action in a visit has no time since timestamps are only set at the beginning of each action. An action automatically times out after 30 minutes inactivity (together with the visit). Thus, an action cannot last longer than 30 minutes.

Action duration (s)

The average number of seconds it takes to perform an action expressed in decimal format. Action duration is calculated as the total time spent by visitors divided by the number of actions which have a registered duration. Notice that the last action in a visit has no time since timestamps are only set at the beginning of each action. An action automatically times out after 30 minutes inactivity (together with the visit). Thus, an action cannot last longer than 30 minutes.


The average number of pages viewed by a visitor during a visit. Pages per visit is calculated as the number of page views divided by the number of visits. If pages per visit is calculated for an individual page, it indicates how many times in average this page was see by a visit. If pages per visit is calculated for a group of pages, it indicates the average number of times pages in that group were viewed by a visit.

Page duration

The page duration is the average time it takes to view a page expressed in standard format (hh:mm:ss). The page view duration is calculated as the total time spent by visitors divided by the number of page views, where each page has a time. Notice that the last action in a visit has no time since timestamps are only set at the beginning of each action. A page view automatically times out after 30 minutes inactivity (together with the visit). Thus, a page view cannot last longer than 30 minutes.

Page duration (s)

The average number of seconds it takes to view a page expressed in decimal format. The page view duration is calculated as the total time spent by visitors divided by the number of page views, where each page has a time. Notice that the last action in a visit has no time since timestamps are only set at the beginning of each action. A page view automatically times out after 30 minutes inactivity (together with the visit). Thus, a page view cannot last longer than 30 minutes.

Visit duration

The visit duration is the average time a visit stays on the website expressed in standard format (hh:mm:ss). Visit duration is calculated as the total time spent by visitors divided by the number of visits with a registered visit time. Notice that the last action in a visit has no time. This is because timestamps are only set at the beginning of each action. It follows from this that bounced visits have no registered time. They are therefore excluded from the calculation of visit duration. The measured visit duration may be both shorter and longer than the real visit duration. It may be shorter because the actual duration of the last action is not taken into account. It may also be longer because visits with only one page view (bounced visits) probably spend less time on the website than other visits on the website.

Visit duration (m)

The average number of minutes a visit stays on the website expressed in decimal format. Visit duration is calculated as the total number of minutes spent by visitors divided by the number of visits with a registered visit time. Notice that the last action in a visit has no time. This is because timestamps are only set at the beginning of each action. It follows from this that bounced visits have no registered time. They are therefore excluded from the calculation of visit duration. The measured visit duration may be both shorter and longer than the real visit duration. It may be shorter because the actual duration of the last action is not taken into account. It may also be longer because visits with only one page view (bounced visits) probably spend less time on the website than other visits on the website.

% Bounce

% Bounce is the same as % Bounce (U) except that here a bounce is defined relative to a specific website, not your entire web universe. If you only have one website, then % Bounce and % Bounce (U) are the same. However, if you have more than one website, then % Bounce tends to be higher than % Bounce (U). If a visit starts at your website X, then visits your website Y and then leaves your web universe, then the visit counts as a bounce in % Bounce, but not in % Bounce (U) because the visit has two page views in your web universe, but only one page view on your website Y.

% Bounce (U)

The bounce (U) rate is the percentage of visits with only one page view. The bounce rate is calculated as the number of visits with only one page view on the website divided by the number of entry page views. If the bounce rate is calculated for a specific page, then it is the number of times that page was viewed by visits with only one page view divided by the number of times it was viewed as an entry page. If the bounce rate is calculated for a group of pages, then it is the number of times pages in that group were viewed by visits with only one page view divided by the number of times pages in that group were viewed as entry pages.

% Download

The download rate is the percentage of visits with one or more downloads from the website. The download rate is calculated as the number of visits who have one or more downloads divided by the total number of visits.If the download rate is calculated for individual web pages or a group of web pages, it indicates where on the website downloads are made.

% Feedback

The feedback rate is the percentage of visits with field fill-outs. Feedback includes typing a text in a text field, selecting a value in a dropdown list, clicking on a checkbox, selecting a radio button etc. The feedback rate is calculated as the number of visits with field fill-outs divided by the total number of visits. If the feedback rate is calculated for individual web pages or a group of web pages, it indicates where on the website feedback was submitted.

% Exit link

The exit link rate is the percentage of visits who have clicked on a link to an external website (i.e. a website which is not included in Netminers tracking). The exit link rate is calculated as the number of visits who have clicked on an exit link divided by the total number of visits. If the exit link rate is calculated for individual web pages or a group of web pages, it indicates where on the website exit links were used.