Product name

The name of the purchased item as supplied by your e-commerce tracking setup.

The title is the last level of the Product full name (which includes the categorization or "path" of the product). Multiple products might have the same page name. Eg. the name of both "Toys > Lego > Star Wars" and "Video > Science Fiction > Star Wars" is "Star Wars".

Danish: Produkt-navn

MDX Example:

[Pageaction Commerce].[Product Name].[All].[Rémy Martin]

Product full name

The full name of the purchased item as supplied by your e-commerce tracking setup. The full name includes the categorization or "path" of the product.

Danish: Produkt-fuldt-navn

MDX Example:

[Pageaction Commerce].[Product Category And Name].[All].[Toys > Lego > Star Wars > Death Star]


The product sku of the purchased item as supplied by your e-commerce tracking setup.

Danish: Produkt-varenr.

MDX Example:

[Pageaction Commerce].[Sku].[All].[Sw934]

Product category

Rolls up all the products in each level of the product categorization as defined in Product full name.

Eg. the Product full names "Toys > Lego > Star Wars Death Star" and "Toys > Lego> City Train" become "Toys" at level 1, "Lego" at level 2, and "Star Wars Death Star" and "City Train" at level 3.

Danish: Produkt-gruppe

MDX Example:

[Pageaction Commerce].[Product Category].[All].[Toys].[Lego].[City Train]

Product category level 1

The first level of the "Product category" variable.

Danish: Produkt-kategori-niveau 1

MDX Example:

[Pageaction Commerce].[Product Name Level01].[All].[Toys]

Product category level 2

The second level of the "Product category" variable.

Danish: Produkt-kategori-niveau 2

MDX Example:

[Pageaction Commerce].[Product Name Level02].[All].[Toys].[Lego]

Product category level 3

The third level of the "Product category" variable.

Danish: Produkt-kategori-niveau 3

MDX Example:

[Pageaction Commerce].[Product Name Level03].[All].[Toys]

Product category level 4

The fourth level of the "Product category" variable.

Danish: Produkt-kategori-niveau 4

MDX Example:

[Pageaction Commerce].[Product Name Level04].[All].[Toys]

Product category level 5

The fifth level of the "Product category" variable.

Danish: Produkt-kategori-niveau 5

MDX Example:

[Pageaction Commerce].[Product Name Level05].[All].[Toys]