Geography hierarchy

A drill-down variable with five levels: Continent > Region > Country > Province > City.

Danish: Geografihierarki

MDX Example:

[Location].[Geography].[All].[Europe].[Northern Europe].[Denmark].[Bornholm].[Kirkeby]


The continent of the visit, derived from the IP address.

Danish: Kontinent

MDX Example:



The region or sub-continent of the visit, derived from the IP address.

Danish: Region

MDX Example:

[Location].[Region].[All].[Northern America]


The country of the visit, derived from the IP address.

Danish: Land

MDX Example:



The provice or state of the visit, derived from the IP address.

Danish: Provins

MDX Example:



The city of the visit, derived from the IP address.

Danish: By

MDX Example:


IP address

Rolls up all the IP addresses in each level of the IP address. E.g. the IP adresses "" and "" become "46" at level 1, "251" at level 2, , "126" at level 3, and "237" and "238" at level 3. Allows for drill-down from IP address level 1, to IP address level 2... to IP address level N.

Danish: IP-adresse

MDX Example:


ISP Name

The name of the Internet Service Provider (ISP) of the visit, derived from the IP address.

Danish: ISP-navn

MDX Example:

[Organization].[Isp].[All].[Telconet AG]


The name of the organization of the visit, derived from the IP address.

Danish: Organisation

MDX Example:

[Organization].[Name].[All].[A-S Loegstrup Steel]

Organization type

A boolean indicating if the type of the organization of the visit, derived from the IP address.

Possible values: "ISP" and "Normal" .

ISP = Internet Service Provider of the visit. Normal = the non-ISP organization of the visit.

Danish: Organisationstype

MDX Example:


Visit segment XX

The name of the requested custom segmentation variable, where XX refers to the number of the custom variable.

Danish: Besøgssegment XX

MDX Example:

[Visit Segment].[Segment1].[All].[Potential customer]