Questionnaire (1)

The visitor's answers to a questionnaire launched through Netminers Survey module or sent to Netminers through postSurveyAnswer command.

Questionnaire has four drill-down levels: Name of the questionnaire, Name of the question, Answer and Alternative answer. Alternative answer is only used in case of grouped questions such as battery question, e.g. Entry Survey 2015 > How much do you a gree with the following statements? > The website design is great > Strongly agree.

Danish: Spørgeskema (1)

MDX Example:

[Answer].[Answer Hierarchy].[All].[ID 7: Entry Survey 2015].[Hvad er din civilstand?].[Enke / enkemand]

Questionnaire (2)

A duplicate of Questionnaire (1) for the purpose of filtering and cross-tabulation.

Danish: Spørgeskema (2)

MDX Example:

[Answer2].[Answer Hierarchy].[All].[ID 7: Entry Survey 2015].[Hvad er din civilstand?].[Enke / enkemand]