Days since last visit
Indicates the number of days elapsed since the visitor last visited the website.
First-time visits get the value "New visit". For return visits, the minimum value is "Less than 1 day since last visit". Remaining return visits get the values "1 day since last visit", "2 days since last visit", etc.
Danish: Dage siden sidste besøg
MDX Example:
[Loyalty].[Recency Days].[All].[3 days since last visit]
Weeks since last visit
Indicates the number of weeks elapsed since the visitor last visited the website.
First-time visits get the value "New visit". For return visits, the minimum value is "Less than 1 week since last visit". Remaining return visits get the values "1 week since last visit", "2 weeks since last visit", etc.
Danish: Uger siden sidste besøg
MDX Example:
[Loyalty].[Recency Weeks].[All].[1 week since last visit]
New/return visit
A boolean indicating if the visit is new or returning.
Possible values: New visit, Returning.
Danish: Ny/tilbagevendende besøg
MDX Example:
[Loyalty].[Returning User].[All].[Returning]
Visit number
The number the visit made by the visitor. Each visit from a visitor gets its own incremental index starting from 1 for the first visit. For example, if a visitor has made 4 visits, Visit number will have 4 distinct values of "1" through "4".
Danish: Besøgsnummer
MDX Example:
[Loyalty].[Visit Number].[All].[10]
A boolean indicating if the visit bounced. A bounced visit is a visit with only one page view.
Possible values: Bounced, Retained.
Danish: Frastødt/fastholdt
MDX Example:
[Loyalty].[Engagement Simple].[All].[Bounced]
Number of page views
The number of pages viewed by the visit. Repeated views of a page are counted. Each page view in a visit gets its own incremental index starting from 1 for the first page view. For example, if a visit has made 4 page views, Number of page views will have 4 distinct values of "1" through "4".
Danish: Antal sidevisninger
MDX Example:
[Loyalty].[Pageview Count].[All].[5]