Entry page category

Rolls up all the entry pages in each level of the entry page path. E.g. the page paths "Afdelinger > Emerging markets > Aktier > Oversigt" and "Afdelinger > Emerging markets > Aktier > Afkast" become "Afdelinger" at level 1, "Emerging markets" at level 2, "Aktier" at Level 3 and "Oversigt" and "Afdelinger" at level 4.

Danish: Startside-kategori

MDX Example:

[Content Entry].[Parent Id].[All].[Afdelinger].[Emerging markets].[Aktier].[Oversigt]

Entry page title

The title of the entry page, i.e. the first page viewed by the visit. The title is the last level of the the entry page path. Multiple pages might have the same page title. Eg. the title of both "About us > Management > CEO > Einstein" and "Research > Scientists > Einstein" is "Einstein".

Danish: Startside-titel

MDX Example:

[Content Entry].[Name].[All].[Einstein]

Entry page path

The path and name of the entry page, i.e. the first page viewed by the visit. When using Netminers meta tag for "breadcrumbs", the entry page path is the value of this meta tag. When no breadcrumb meta tag is available, the page path is constructed from the page URL.

Danish: Startside-sti

MDX Example:

[Content Entry].[Name Full].[All].[Afdelinger > Emerging markets > Aktier > Oversigt]

Next page category

Rolls up all the next pages in each level of the next page path. E.g. the next page paths "Afdelinger > Emerging markets > Aktier > Oversigt" and "Afdelinger > Emerging markets > Aktier > Afkast" become "Afdelinger" at level 1, "Emerging markets" at level 2, "Aktier" at Level 3 and "Oversigt" and "Afdelinger" at level 4.

Danish: Næste sidekategori

MDX Example:

[Content After].[Parent Id].[All].[Netbank].[Logon].[Oversigt].[Posteringer]

Next page title

The title of the next page, i.e. a page on your website that was viewed after another page on your website. Typically used with the Entry-page, Page or Previous-page variables.

The title is the last level of the the next page path. Multiple pages might have the same page title. Eg. the title of both "About us > Management > CEO > Einstein" and "Research > Scientists > Einstein" is "Einstein".

Danish: Næste sidetitel

MDX Example:

[Content After].[Name].[All].[Forside]

Next page path

The path of the next page, i.e. a page on your website that was viewed after another page on your website. Typically used with the Entry-page, Page or Previous-page variables.

When using Netminers meta tag for "breadcrumbs", the next page path is the value of this meta tag. When no breadcrumb meta tag is available, the next page path is constructed from the page URL.

Danish: Næste sidesti

MDX Example:

[Content After].[Name Full].[All].[Afdelinger > Danmark > Rapporter]

Next-next page category

Rolls up all the next-next pages in each level of the next-next page path. E.g. the next-next page paths "Afdelinger > Emerging markets > Aktier > Oversigt" and "Afdelinger > Emerging markets > Aktier > Afkast" become "Afdelinger" at level 1, "Emerging markets" at level 2, "Aktier" at Level 3 and "Oversigt" and "Afdelinger" at level 4.

Danish: Næste-næste sidekategori

MDX Example:

[Content After 2nd].[Parent Id].[All].[Netbank].[Logon].[Oversigt].[Posteringer]

Next-next page title

The title of the next-next page, i.e. a page on your website that was viewed after the next page on your website. Typically used with the Entry-page, Page, Next-page or Previous-page variables.

The title is the last level of the the next page path. Multiple pages might have the same page title. Eg. the title of both "About us > Management > CEO > Einstein" and "Research > Scientists > Einstein" is "Einstein".

Danish: Næste-næste sidetitel

MDX Example:

[Content After 2nd].[Name].[All].[Forside]

Next-next page path

The path of the next-next page, i.e. a page on your website that was viewed after the next page on your website. Typically used with the Entry-page, Page, Next-page or Previous-page variables.

When using Netminers meta tag for "breadcrumbs", the next page path is the value of this meta tag. When no breadcrumb meta tag is available, the next page path is constructed from the page URL.

Danish: Næste sidesti

MDX Example:

[Content After].[Name Full].[All].[Afdelinger > Danmark > Rapporter]

Previous page category

Rolls up all the previous pages in each level of the previous page path. E.g. the previoud page paths "Afdelinger > Emerging markets > Aktier > Oversigt" and "Afdelinger > Emerging markets > Aktier > Afkast" become "Afdelinger" at level 1, "Emerging markets" at level 2, "Aktier" at Level 3 and "Oversigt" and "Afdelinger" at level 4.

When using Netminers meta tag for "breadcrumbs", the previous page path is the value of this meta tag. When no breadcrumb meta tag is available, the next page path is constructed from the page URL.

Danish: Forrige sidekategori

MDX Example:

[Content Previous].[Parent Id].[All].[Netbank].[Logon].[Oversigt].[Posteringer]

Previous page title

The title of the previous page, i.e. a page on your website that was viewed before another page on your website. Typically used with the Entry-page, Page or Next-page variables.

The title is the last level of the the previous page path. Multiple pages might have the same page title. Eg. the title of both "About us > Management > CEO > Einstein" and "Research > Scientists > Einstein" is "Einstein".

Danish: Forrige sidetitel

MDX Example:

[Content Previous].[Name].[All].[Posteringer]

Previous page path

The path of the previous page, i.e. a page on your website that was viewed before another page on your website. Typically used with the Entry-page, Page or Next-page variables.

The title is the last level of the the previous page path. Multiple pages might have the same page title. Eg. the title of both "About us > Management > CEO > Einstein" and "Research > Scientists > Einstein" is "Einstein".

Danish: Forrige sidesti

MDX Example:

[Content Previous].[Name Full].[All].[Netbank > Logon > Oversigt > Posteringer]

Action uniqueness

A boolean indicating if the action (page view, download, exit link, etc.) is unique. An action is unique if the visitor has performed it only once during the visit.

Possible values: "Done/viewed before during visit" (in MDX "0") and "Not done/viewed before durting visit" (in MDX "1").

Danish: Handlingsunikhed

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[First View].[All].[0]

Back navigation

A boolean indicating if the action (page view, download, exit link, etc.) is a back navigation. Back navigation occurs when the visitor goes back to a page visited immediately before.Back navigations can go on for more than one page view if the visitor has moved forward many times and then clicks multiple times on the back button of the browser.

Possible values: "Back navigation" (In MDX "1") and "No back navigation" (in MDX "0").

Danish: Handlingsunikhed

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[First View].[All].[0]

Forward navigation

A boolean indicating if the action (page view, download, exit link, etc.) is a forward navigation. Forward navigation occurs when the visitor moves to a page not visited immediately before.

Possible values: "Back navigation" (In MDX "1") and "No back navigation" (in MDX "0").

Danish: Tilbagenavigation

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[Dir Backward].[All].[1]

Last forward navigation

Isolates the last three forward-navigation actions

(page view, download, exit link, etc.) in the visits for those visits which have a minimum of three forwards..

Possible values: 1,2,3, [empty], where 1=Last forward, 2=Second-last forward, 3=Third-last forward and [empty]=Three forwards not available.

Danish: Sidste fremadnavigation

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[Last Forward Events].[All].[1]

Longest-viewed page

Rank-orders the pages within a visit according to how long time the visit spent on each of them.

Possible values: 1. Longest, 2. Second-longest, 3. Third-longest, 4. Fourth-longest, 5. Second-shortest, 6. Shortest, Neither longest nor shortest, Other.

The first four categories rank-orders the four longest viewed pages during a visit according to duration. The 5th and the 6th category rank-orders the two shortest viewed pages according to duration.

The following rules apply (LVP = Longest to fourth longest viewed page, SVP = Shortest to second-shortest viewed page and NN = Neither longest nor shortest viewed page):

  • Visits with 1 page view: 1 Other
  • Visits with 2 page views: 1 LVP + 1 NN
  • Visits with 3 page views: 2 LVP + 1 NN
  • Visits with 4 page views: 2 LVP + 1 SVP + 1 NN
  • Visits with 5 page views: 3 LVP + 1 SVP + 1 NN
  • Visits with 6 page views: 3 LVP + 2 SVP + 1 NN
  • Visits with 7 or more page views: 4 LVP + 2 SVP + 2 or more NN

Notice that page views from bounce visits (visits with only 1 page view) have no duration and are placed in "Other". Furthermore, content types other than page views are placed under "Other".

Danish: Længst sete side

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[View Time].[All].[2. Second-longest]

Page reload

A boolean indicating if the page view is a reload.

A reloads occurs when the visitor views the same page two times in a row. A reload requires that both the page title and the URL remain the same for two consecutive page views.

Possible values: Page reload (in MDX, "1"), No page reload (in MDX, "0").

Danish: Genindlæsning af side

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[Dir Reload].[All].[1]

Turn page

A boolean indicating if the page view is a turn page.

A turn page occurs when the visitor moves forward to a page and then back to the page visited immediately before. The page the visitor moves back from is a turn page view. Turn page views can occur many times after each other if the visitor continues to go back and forth between the same two pages. Page view is the only content type for which turn pages are defined.

Possible values: Turn page (in MDX, "1"), No turn page (in MDX, "0").

Danish: Genindlæsning af side

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[Dir Turn].[All].[1]

Site entry page

A boolean indicating if the page view is a site entry page.

A site entry page is the first page a visitor sees during his or her visit on a specific website as defined by the custom nvariable Website name. When Website name is not used, Site entry page and Universe entry page are the same. Possible values: Entry page (in MDX, "1"), Not entry page (in MDX, "0").

Danish: Site-startside

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[Site Entry].[All].[1]

Site exit page

A boolean indicating if the page view is a site exit page.

A site exit page is the last page a visitor sees during his or her visit on a specific website as defined by the custom nvariable Website name. When Website name is not used, Site exit page and Universe exit page are the same.

Possible values: Exit page (in MDX, "1"), Not exit page (in MDX, "0").

Danish: Site-slutside

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[Site Exit].[All].[1]

Universe entry page

A boolean indicating if the page view is a universe entry page.

A universe entry page is the first page a visitor sees during the visit regardless of website. "Website" is here defined by the custom nvariable Website name. When Website name is not used, Universe entry page and Site entry page are the same.

Possible values: "Entry page (webuniverse)" (in MDX, "1"), "Not entry page (webuniverse)" (in MDX, "0").

Danish: Universstartside

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[Visit Entry].[All].[1]

Universe exit page

A boolean indicating if the page view is a universe exit page.

A universe exit page is the last page a visitor sees during the visit regardless of website. "Website" is here defined by the custom nvariable Website name. When Website name is not used, Universe exit page and Site exit page are the same.

Possible values: "Entry page (webuniverse)" (in MDX, "1"), "Not entry page (webuniverse)" (in MDX, "0").

Danish: Universstartside

MDX Example:

[Navigation].[Visit Exit].[All].[1]

Page view number

A variable indicating the view order of a page within the visit. Each page view in a visit gets its own incremental index starting from 1 for the first page view. For example, if a visit has 4 page views, Page view number will have 4 distinct values of "1" through "4".

Content types other than page views get the value "0".

Danish: Sidevisning-rækkefølge

MDX Example:

[Event].[Pageview Order Id].[All].[2]