
The domain of your website.

Danish: Domæne

MDX Example:

[Context].[Domain Full].[All].[]

Script version

The version of the tracking script implemented on your website. The tracking script usually changes version number when your website undergoes major change, e.g. a re-design.

Danish: Scriptversion

MDX Example:


Domain level

Rolls up all the domains in each level of the domain, starting with the top-level domain. E.g., and become "com" and "dk" at level 1, "mywebsite" at level 2 and "mysubdomain" at level 3.

Danish: Domæne-niveau

MDX Example:

[Context].[Domain Parts].[All].[dk].[mywebsite].[mysubdomain]

Website name

A drill-down variable where each level is a custom value categorizing your content, usually domains, in a way which is different from your "natural" content groups. E.g.,, and could be categorized as "My Website".

Danish: Websitenavn

MDX Example:

[Context].[Name1 - Name2].[All].[Magazine].[Denmark].[Danish]

Website name 1

Level 1 in Website name.

Danish: Websitenavn 1

MDX Example:


Website name 2

Level 2 in Website name.

Danish: Websitenavn 2

MDX Example:

[Context].[Name2].[All].[American Samoa]

Website name 3

Level 3 in Website name.

Danish: Websitenavn 3

MDX Example:


Website name 4

Level 4 in Website name.

Danish: Websitenavn 4

MDX Example:


Url protocol

The protocol of the URL viewed by the visit.

Danish: Url-protokol

MDX Example:
