Page category
Rolls up all the page paths in each level of the page path. E.g. the page paths "Products > Tables > Dining tables" and "Products > Tables > Sofa tables" become "Products" at level 1, "Tables" at level 2, and "Dining tables" and "Sofa tables" at level 3. Allows for drill-down from Page category level 1, to Page category level 2... to Page category level N.
Danish: Sidekategori
MDX Example:
[Content].[Parent Id].[All].[Products].[Tables].[Dining tables].[Model 02347tr]
Page title
The title of the page view. The title is the last level of the page path. Multiple pages might have the same page title. Eg. the title of both "About us > Management > CEO > Einstein" and "Research > Scientists > Einstein" is "Einstein".
Danish: Sidetitel
MDX Example:
[Content].[Name].[All].[Model 02347tr]
Page path
The path of the page view.
When using Netminers meta tag for "breadcrumbs", the page path is the value of this meta tag. When no breadcrumb meta tag is available, the page path is constructed from the page URL.
Danish: Sidesti
MDX Example:
[Content].[Name Full].[All].[Products > Tables > Dining tables > Model 02347tr]
The URL of the page view, excluding the domain. Comine with Domain to get the full URL.
Danish: Url
MDX Example:
[Url].[Name Full].[All].[/bank/cs]
Url level
Rolls up all the URLs in each level of the URL. E.g "/products/tables/dinnertables/modelx.htm" and "/products/tables/sofatables/modely.htm" become "products" at level 1, "tables" at level 2, "dinnertables" and "sofatables" at level 3, and "modelx.htm" and "modely.htm" at level 4.
Danish: Url-niveau
MDX Example:
[Url].[Parent Id].[All].[dlf].[content].[produkter].[priser].[aaop]
Content type
The type of content viewed or action performed by the visit. Most frequent values: Page view, Survey, Commerce, Download, Form, Link.
Danish: Indholdstype
MDX Example:
[Content Type].[Parent Id].[All].[Download]
Form title
The name of the form containing the field (or fields) into which the visit has entered a text.
Danish: Formular-titel
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Field].[Form Name].[All].[Calculationform]
Field title
The name of the field (or fields) into which the visit has entered a text.
Danish: Felt-titel
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Field].[Field Name].[All].[0400 4015557325]
User text
The text entered into a field by the visit (by means of a drop-down list, radio buttons, checkboxes, free form or other). If the User text has a high cardinality (if the values changes often and if the variable is used frequently), the values may be replaced by "***".
Danish: Bruger-tekst
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Field].[Text].[All].["overtræk" på lukket]
Download title
The name of the file downloaded by the visit. File with the following extensions are supportet:
.pdf, .doc, .wmv, .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .mov, .asx, .ashx, .mp4, .rm, .mp3, .wav, .wma, .m3u, .midi, .aac, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tiff, .tif, .pcx, .raw, .png, .tga, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .ps, .exe, .swf, .msi, .zip, .rar, .tar, .gz.
Danish: Download-titel
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Download].[Download Name].[All].[Download application form here]
Download path
The name and path or URL of the file downloaded by the visit. File with the following extensions are supportet:
.pdf, .doc, .wmv, .avi, .mpg, .mpeg, .mov, .asx, .ashx, .mp4, .rm, .mp3, .wav, .wma, .m3u, .midi, .aac, .jpg, .jpeg, .gif, .bmp, .tiff, .tif, .pcx, .raw, .png, .tga, .doc, .docx, .xls, .xlsx, .ppt, .pptx, .pdf, .txt, .rtf, .ps, .exe, .swf, .msi, .zip, .rar, .tar, .gz.
Danish: Download-sti
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Download].[Download Url].[All].[Http://]
Exit link path
The name, path or URL of the Exit linked used by the visit. An exit link is a clicked link that is not within the domain structure of your tracked website.
Danish: Exitlink-sti
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Exitlink].[Exitlink Url].[All].[Gå til nets hjemmeside]
Internal campaign-link path
A drill-down variable where each level is the value entered in Netminers Internal Link URL generator.
Danish: Intern kampagne-link sti
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Internallink].[Parent Id].[All].[Link-top].[Se_4for3-whisky]
Internal campaign-link title
The name of the internal campaign link as specified with Netminers Internal Link URL generator.
Danish: Intern kampagne-link titel
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Internallink].[Name].[All].[Banner-bagageregler-airshells]
Other content category
A drill-down custom variable where each level is the value specified using Netminers post-commands.
Danish: Andet-indhold-kategori
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Other].[Parent Id].[All].[Call to action].[Bestil nemid]
Other content title
The name of content or actions as specified with Netminers post-commands.
Danish: Andet-indhold-titel
MDX Example:
[Pageaction Other].[Name].[All].[Bestil nemid]