Traffic source
The name of the traffic source resolved, if possible, from the domain name of the traffic source - e.g. "" and "" becomes "Google".
Danish: Trafikkilde
MDX Example:
Traffic source domain
The domain of the traffic source.
Danish: Trafikkildedomæne
MDX Example:
Traffic source url
The full URL of the traffic source.
Danish: Trafikkilde-url
MDX Example:
[Source].[Url Full].[All].[]
Traffic source url level
Rolls up all the traffic-source URLs in each level of the traffic-source URL path (excluding the domain). E.g. "" and "" becomes "home" at level 1 and "myndigheder" at level 2.
Allows for drill-down from URL-level 1, to URL-level 2... to URL-level N.
Danish: Trafikkilde-url-niveau
MDX Example:
[Source].[Path Hierarchy].[All].[home].[myndigheder].[lg.html]
Traffic source type
The type of traffic source. Possible values: Direct, Link traffic, Campaign, Social medium, Search engine.
If the visit arrived without a referrer, the value is Direct. When using campaign-URL tagging, the value is Campaign. Settings for Campaign Attribution does not affect this variable.
Danish: Trafikkildetype
MDX Example:
Search engine
The name of the search engine resolved, if possible, from the search engine domain name. E.g. "" and "" becomes "Google".
Danish: Søgemaskine
MDX Example:
[Source Search Engine].[Name].[All].[Baidu]
Search engine domain
The domain name of the search engine categorized as such according to a known list of search engines.
Danish: Søgemaskine-domæne
MDX Example:
[Source Search Engine].[Domain].[All].[]
Search engine result page
The page number of the search result used by the visitor to reach your site. E.g. the value "1" indicates that the visitor clicked on a link on the first page of the search engine result list.
Danish: Søgemaskine-resultatside
MDX Example:
[Source Search Engine].[Result Page].[All].[2]
Search engine phrase
The phrase or keywords used by the visitor to reach your website through a search engine.
Danish: Søgemaskine-sætning
MDX Example:
[Source Search Engine Text].[Text].[All].[10 bedste investeringer]
Referring site
The name of the referring site resolved, if possible, from the domain name of the link-traffic source. E.g. "" and "" becomes "Avisen".
Danish: Refererende site
MDX Example:
[Source Link Traffic].[Name].[All].[Avisen]
Referring site domain
The domain name of the referring site.
A referring site is a referrer which does not appear on the list of know search engines or the list of known social media and which does not include campaign tracking parameters.
Danish: Refererende-site-domæne
MDX Example:
[Source Link Traffic].[Domain].[All].[]
Referring site url
The full URL of the referring site.
Danish: Refererende-site-url
MDX Example:
[Source Link Traffic].[Url Full].[All].[]
Referring site url level
Rolls up all the referring-site URLs in each level of the referring-site URL path (excluding the domain). E.g. "" and "" becomes "home" at level 1 and "myndigheder" at level 2.
Danish: Refererende-site-url
MDX Example:
[Source Link Traffic].[Link Traffic Level].[All].[apotek].[loen].[sider].[loen.aspx]
Social medium
The name of the social medium categorized as such from a list of known social media sites. E.g. and becomes LinkedIn.
Danish: Socialt medium
MDX Example:
[Source Social Medium].[Name].[All].[LinkedIn]
Social medium domain
The domain name of the social medium categorized as such from a list of known social media sites.
Danish: Socialt medium domæne
MDX Example:
[Source Social Medium].[Domain].[All].[]