Year > Month > Date

Combined values of Year, Month, Day and Hour. Allows drill-down from Year to Month to Day to Hour.

Danish:  År > Måned > Dato

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Year - Month of Year - Date - Hour].[All].[2015].[January].[2015-01-01].[2]

Year > Quarter > Month

Combined values of Year, Quarter, Month, Day, Hour. Allows drill-down from Year to Quarter to Month to Day to Hour.

Danish: År > Måned > Dato

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Year - Quarter Of Year - Month Of Year - Date - Hour].[All].[2015].[3].[August].[2015-08-01].[0]

Year > Week > Day of week

Combined values of Year of week, Week, Day of week and Hour. Allows drill-down from Year to Week to Day of week to Hour.

Danish: År > Uge > Ugedag

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Year - Week of Year - Day of Week - Day Of Week - Hour].[All].[2015].[8].[Tuesday].[12]


A one- or two-digit hour of the day ranging from 0-23 in the timezone configured for the account.

Danish: Time

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Distinct Hour Of Day].[All].[6]


The date formatted as yyyy-mm-dd.

Danish: Dag

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Distinct Date].[All].[2002-09-25]

Day in month

A one- or two-digit day number ranging from 0-31.

Danish: Dag i måneden

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Distinct Day Of Month].[All].[15]

Day of week

The name of the day.

Danish: Ugedag

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Distinct Day Of Week].[All].[Tuesday]


The number of the week. A one or two-digit number ranging from 1-53. Week number 53 is not shown when Week is combined with Year, but shown when combined with Year of week.

Danish: Uge

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Distinct Week Of Year].[All].[32]


The name of the month.

Danish: Måned

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Distinct Month Of Year].[All].[December]


A one-digit number ranging from 1-4.

Danish: Kvartal MDX Example: [Date24h].[Distinct Quarter Of Year].[All].[3]


A four-digit year from 2000 to the current year.

Danish: År

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Year].[All].[2015]

Year of week

A four-digit year from 2000 to the current year, using a leap-week calendar. A leap-week calendar is a calendar system with a whole number of weeks every year, and with every year starting on the same weekday. Year of week allows for an additional week number, week no. 53 (the leap week), to be added in order to avoid week fragments at the end and beginning of the year. Year of week should only be used in combination with Week (as in Year > Week > Day of week) since it is longer than a normal year.

Danish: År (ugens år)

MDX Example: [Date24h].[Year Of Week].[All].[2014]