"Other" is used as a generic event. It's not counted as a page view. It's typically used to track the details of a view such as read-more, user logged in, alert dialog etc.
- (void) postOther: (NSString *) breadCrumb nameSpace: (NSString *) nameSpace; - (void) postOther: (NSString *) breadCrumb nameSpace: (NSString *) nameSpace properties: (NSDictionary *) properties;
Example of use - track when a user expands a read-more feature:
NSString *namespace = @"http://myiosapp.company.com"; // Set breadcrumb NSString *breadCrumb = @"Tip a friend"; // Set optional properties for action // Relationship: Colleague // NOTE: initWithObjectsAndKeys uses reverse order: Value, Key, ..., Value, Key, nil NSDictionary* properties = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: @"Colleague", @"Relationship", nil]; [[NMTracker sharedTracker] postOther:breadCrumb nameSpace:namespace properties: properties];