- (void) postCommerceAddProductName: (NSString *) productName
                          productId: (NSString *) productId
                          nameSpace: (NSString *) nameSpace
                          unitPrice: (double) unitPrice
                           quantity: (int) quantity;
- (void) postCommerceAddProductName: (NSString *) productName
                          productId: (NSString *) productId
                          nameSpace: (NSString *) nameSpace
                          unitPrice: (double) unitPrice
                           quantity: (int) quantity
                         properties: (NSDictionary*) properties;

Example of use - buy 1 Babelfish (item number 42) for the price of 10 currency:

NSString *namespace = @"http://myiosapp.company.com";
// Set product name
NSString *productName = @"Babelfish";
// Set product SKU/ID
NSString *productId = @"42";
// Set price
long unitPrice = 42;
// Set quantity
long quantity = 1;
// Set optional product properties
// Color: Yellow
// Category: Translator
// NOTE: initWithObjectsAndKeys uses reverse order: Value, Key, ..., Value, Key, nil
NSDictionary* properties = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: @"Yellow", @"Color", @"Translator", @"Category", nil];
[[NMTracker sharedTracker] postCommerceAddProductName:productName productId:productId nameSpace:namespace unitPrice:unitPrice quantity:quantity properties:properties];