Request the following from

  • The latest Netminers tracking for API IOS.
  • An Account id
  • A breadcrumb version

The following example demonstrates the basic usage of the IOS API.

- (void)viewDidLoad
    [super viewDidLoad];
   // Initialize API
   [NMTracker initAccountId: @"debug" withBreadCrumbVersion:@"1"];
    // Send our first event, a PageView
   [[NMTracker sharedTracker] postPageView:@"My App/Start" nameSpace:@""];
// Commerce action
- (void) buyproduct:(id)sender
    NSString *namespace = @"";
    // Set product name
    NSString *productName = @"Babelfish";
    // Set product SKU/ID
    NSString *productId = @"42";
    // Set price
    long unitPrice = 42;
    // Set quantity
    long quantity = 1;
    // Set optional product properties
    // Color: Yellow
    // Category: Translator
    // NOTE: initWithObjectsAndKeys uses reverse order: Value, Key, ..., Value, Key, nil
    NSDictionary* properties = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: @"Yellow", @"Color", @"Translator", @"Category", nil];
    [[NMTracker sharedTracker] postCommerceAddProductName:productName productId:productId nameSpace:namespace unitPrice:unitPrice quantity:quantity properties:properties];
// A subpage event
- (void) tipAFriend:(id)sender
    NSString *namespace = @"";
    // Set breadcrumb
    NSString *breadCrumb = @"Tip a friend";
    // Set optional properties for action
    // Relationship: Colleague
    // NOTE: initWithObjectsAndKeys uses reverse order: Value, Key, ..., Value, Key, nil
    NSDictionary* properties = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: @"Colleague", @"Relationship", nil];
    [[NMTracker sharedTracker] postOther:breadCrumb nameSpace:namespace properties: properties];





Every tracking method have a variant/overload taking a NSDictionary called properties. For example:  

(void) postPageView: (NSString *) breadCrumb nameSpace: (NSString *) nameSpace properties: (NSDictionary *) properties; 



The NSDictionary can contain useful segmentation categories. For example:

  • Gender: Male/Female
  • Age: 0-25/26-30/31-45/etc.
  • Color: Red/white/etc. etc.

Categories should always be chosen wisely, since queries in Netminers Insight may take a performance hit. Keep categories to a minimum and make them discreete and aim for low cardinality/member count. E.g. Track a login success action while adding additional information about the gender of a person who logged in.

NSDictionary* properties = [[NSDictionary alloc] initWithObjectsAndKeys: @"Colleague", @"Relationship", nil];
[[NMTracker sharedTracker] postOther:@"Tip a friend" nameSpace:@"" properties: properties];




  • initAccountId: withBreadCrumbVersion:

Tracking methods

  • postPageView: nameSpace:
  • postPageView: nameSpace: properties:
  • postCommerceAddProductName: productId: nameSpace: unitPrice: quantity:
  • postCommerceAddProductName: productId: nameSpace: unitPrice: quantity: properties:
  • postFieldChange: nameSpace: value:
  • postFieldChange: nameSpace: value: properties:
  • postOther: nameSpace:
  • postOther: nameSpace: properties: