In order to get good categorization of the content on your site you need to make sure the tracking script either has access to a good page path or "breadcrumb" ( e.g. Frontpage/Products/Cars) or a good human readable URL (e.g.
In practice, however, the Frontpage is special. It looks different than all the other pages and it would be annoying if you would have to drill past this lonely node each time you would access the content hierarchy.
Therefore it's better to handle the frontpage as a special page and instead let the first level of the breadcrumb be the website name, company name, company branch name or similar. Let's pretend we need to implement at breadcrumb for two websites, "" and "X-Mas". A frontpage breadcrumb would be "" and the products page would be The frontpage of the x-mas site would be "X-Mas/Frontpage" and the offers page would be "X-Mas/Offers"
Note: if you only have one site and never will have more than one, drop the first level.
The reason why you want to have a good categorization is because you want to easily understand the content reports. Example of a content report: (all numbers are handmade)
In this case it's easy to see that the section has had 4961722 distinct visits. These visits are the total distinct visits done in this section. Distinct visits means that if a visitor visits both the Games and the Cars section he og she still counts as a single visit. The visit count (4961722) includes all the sections below Products even sections not included in the top 5 rows presented here. The analytical term for this process is called a roll-up. It's extremely practical to roll-up data bottom-up, since you get knowledge of what percentages a lower level section contributes to in the overall result.