The Reference date feature in InSight is a great way to roll back in time and see daily, weekly or monthly reports for an earlier period.

By default, InSight interprets dynamic periods such as This week or Last month on the basis of today’s date. In other words, today’s date is the reference date. However, if you change the reference date, InSight will interpret such dynamic periods on the basis of this new reference date. Let’s say you open a dashboard the 1st of May which uses Last month as a filter and which therefore shows you data for April. If you now change the reference date to the 1st of February, then the dashboard will show data for January.

How to change reference date

  1. In the top menu, click on the Reference date drop down list:

  2. Select your new reference date
  3. To see the effect of the new reference date, open a dashboard or reload the one you have opened already

Notice that when you change reference date, this setting is remembered by InSight only until you session expires or you log in again. Changing the reference affects the dashboards you open or reload during this session, including dashboards you choose to send "Now" by email. However, the reference date does not affect scheduled email reports.